Completing a planetary arc to your class quest will reward an XP boost also | Forum

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nicole ben
nicole ben Apr 28 '21
Doing all of the planetary quests are going to be your best bet to level quickly for more. When you want to a quest hub, pick up each of the quests. Empty your bags and earn room so that you will do not have to go back to the quest hub in anticipation of having completed every one of the quests. This will there is no wasted time between quests. SWTOR function is so that every one of the quests from quest hub are usually in one area, much like daily quest hubs.

Completing a planetary arc for ones class quest will reward an XP boost also. If you'll want to break up the questing monotony, dungeon (flashpoint) running is the next fastest bet. Also, group up! Grouping provides bonus XP for the way many players come in the group. If you're a subscriber, make sure you log in a cantina or some other rest area. This will build up your rested XP, that gives extra experience once you kill mobs. It works a lot like a generic XP boost.

But what’s remember this is that Star Wars the Old Republic is and also will be a story-focused game. Beginning in 3641 BBY, you're taking on the role of eight class stories across two factions, with four stories per faction game. And these are widely considered the most effective stories amongst gamers.

After the category stories are executed, players head into the faction stories which can be Rise with the Hutt Cartel and Shadow of Revan before heading into Knight in the Fallen Empire and Knights on the Eternal Throne, which creates the storyline to come. In Knights with the Fallen Empire, your character becomes the best of an Alliance of specialists and Force users within their attempt to lessen the Eternal Empire.

Depending about what endgame content you want to do, you might have better luck or even an easier time getting yourself into that content depending within the role or class you ultimately choose.

If you need to get into endgame raiding, obviously Tank and Healer courses are going to be in demand than DPS. Tanks and healers indeed getting increasingly more scarce and harder to fill for raid groups. When it comes to DPS it depends on knowing your class in pulling high numbers and currently you can’t away with

In PvP, however, everything's a little different. DPS and Healers must be useful but tanks, less view here. Instead, skank tanks are favoured as they possibly taunt and guard while having the ability to deal a lot of damage.
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