Titan's Magic Island - space

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Space discoveries,  planets and stars news
  • Created: Nov 15 '15
  • Admin: Mmmansy
Magdy Nov 20 '16
Titan is one of Saturn's largest moons; it consists of rocks, ice, and hydrocarbons lakes.

 Cassini-Huygens mission, flying by the moon in 2004 shoes that the surface is dynamic not a static kind.

The photos below shows that the size and shape of what is called " the magic islands" changes, it is located in the moon's second largest hydrocarbon sea "Ligeia Mare" 130,000 sq km

The photos belwo shows the area of 500 sq km evolution during 8 years

The brightening, they think, is due to waves on the lake's surface reflecting radar back, like a mirror tilted on just the right angle.
Other theories are changes in the solids floating on or just below the lake's surface, reflecting or absorbing the radar as its bounced off the moon.

Changes in the 'magic island', a feature in a hydrocarbon sea on Saturn's moon Titan, is likely caused by waves, scientists think. – NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASI/Cornell

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